Saturday, 6 March 2010

Hall of mirrors

"Predators in a Maze" from the album 'Say no to the World' by LostAlone had me writing, writing, writing for hours and eventually, at some point during the night, the title of the song took on a whole new meaning in my head and this is the end result. So thank you to Steven, Alan and Mark for the inspiration through music... Enjoy!

a painting in time I stand
here, stretched across the room,
these mirrors speak the truth.
Showing times long gone, forgotten,
Unwanted, unwelcome visions
before me.
Blood, slaughter, ungodly acts
Moving movies of my past. Tormented
Tortured, remnants of my soul
scream, please, take them away
Someone release me, save me
From myself, but am I the one to fear?
Am I doomed to this repetition?
Every way I turn I see it,
I don't deserve mercy or forgiveness.
I've done unspeakable things.
I should be beaten, burned, sentenced to die.
But I remain, the ruin of an assassin
Cursed, condemned, forced to stay
Given a conscience, eternal damnation
I walk alone, lost and forlorn.

1 comment:

  1. maybe the worst punishment of all is exactly that, to be forced to "walk alone, lost and forlorn" fully aware of the errors one has made, forced to live with the knowledge.
